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Survival Scout Tips

Cooped Up: Activities to Keep Kids Busy and You Sane

Cooped Up: Activities to Keep Kids Busy and You Sane

March 27, 2020 | Community Preparedness | 0 Comments

As many families are thrust into homeschooling and working remotely--and everything from parks to libraries are closed--parents have to find ways to keep their kids occupied. Sure, electronic devices and Netflix can help, but parents need a screen-free backup plan. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of 15 easy crafts...

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Things to Do to Entertain Yourself & Your Family While In Isolation

Things to Do to Entertain Yourself & Your Family While In Isolation

March 25, 2020 | Community Preparedness Pandemics | 0 Comments

Even though we were warned it was a possibility, the sudden upheaval of normal American living due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) has left even the most prepared shell-shocked. With schools across the U.S. closing, more companies asking their employees to work remotely, and entire cities shutting down, it means families...

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Living like the Amish: Lessons for Life without Electricity

Living like the Amish: Lessons for Life without Electricity

February 18, 2020 | Community Preparedness | 0 Comments

With a population of about a quarter million within the U.S., the Amish are a protestant group descended from European Anabaptists who immigrated to the USA in the 1700s to escape persecution. If you’ve ever spent time in or driven through rural parts of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and other states,...

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2018 Disasters in Review, How to Prepare for 2019

2018 Disasters in Review, How to Prepare for 2019

December 07, 2018 | Bug-Out Preparedness Community Preparedness Natural Disasters | 0 Comments

At the end of last year, I referred to 2017 as a monolithic disaster year. From Hurricane Maria to Southern California wildfires, we saw an extraordinary amount of damage and chaos due to a wide range of disasters.  2018 has definitely challenged 2017 for that title.  With the recent California...

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What’s Sheepdog Preparedness? A Deep Look

What’s Sheepdog Preparedness? A Deep Look

August 16, 2018 | Community Preparedness Food Preparedness | 0 Comments

THOUGHTS ON SHEEPDOG PREPAREDNESS  There’s a philosophy that gets talked about a lot in the preparedness community called the “sheepdog approach.” It comes from an analogy that describes humans as either sheep, wolves or sheepdogs. To give you a brief overview, I’ve broken down the analogy into its parts.  The...

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Special Report: Building a Culture of Preparedness

Special Report: Building a Culture of Preparedness

April 08, 2018 | Community Preparedness National Events Natural Disasters | 0 Comments

Building a Culture of Preparedness In FEMA's 2018-2022 Strategic Plan, recently published and outlined in comments to the House Homeland Security Committee – the first strategic goal reads: "building a culture of preparedness." Seeing this intrigued me. As most in the prepper community, I've been skeptical of FEMA for some...

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What is a Redoubt and How Does it Influence Preparedness Planning?

What is a Redoubt and How Does it Influence Preparedness Planning?

April 06, 2018 | Community Preparedness History of Preparedness | 0 Comments

James Wesley, Rawles is the senior editor of and best-selling author, including the Patriots series of novels. In much of his work, Rawles explores the concept of an "American Redoubt." Today, we'll discuss the basics of a "redoubt," its merits and what it means for your preparedness planning. This...

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How to Talk with Friends and Family about Preparedness

How to Talk with Friends and Family about Preparedness

April 05, 2018 | Community Preparedness | 0 Comments

YOU'RE ONLY AS PREPARED AS YOUR LEAST-PREPARED LOVED ONE. How to talk to friends and family about preparedness One of the things we hear from loyal customers like you at times is that it's difficult to talk about preparedness with others. Not only are we battling some ugly stereotypes, but...

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What's Sheepdog Preparedness?

What's Sheepdog Preparedness?

March 28, 2018 | Community Preparedness Food Preparedness | 0 Comments

Today, I wanted to explore a common analogy that's used to talk about the preparedness lifestyle. This analogy sounds simple, but there's a lot more to it than meets the eye. It has to do with sheep, wolves and sheepdogs. Sound familiar? There are Sheep, Wolves and Sheepdogs Either way,...

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Fun Ways to Teach Kids Preparedness - Pass it On

Fun Ways to Teach Kids Preparedness - Pass it On

March 24, 2018 | Community Preparedness Getting Started with Prep Survival Skills | 0 Comments

Family values. They're a cornerstone of the preparedness lifestyle - and of course, American life in general.  Teach Kids Preparedness That's why, today, I want to spend a little time focusing on the future of preparedness - children. Instilling the values of self-reliance and emergency preparedness in our children and...

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3 Tips on Talking About Preparedness

3 Tips on Talking About Preparedness

March 24, 2018 | Community Preparedness | 0 Comments

HOW TO TALK TO FRIENDS AND FAMILY ABOUT PREPAREDNESS Right after Memorial Day, it seems my calendar fills right up. Barbecues. Grad parties. Fireworks. Church fundraisers. A vacation. And so much more. It can be hard to balance all these social activities with the preparedness lifestyle... But I don't want...

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Dustin's Story: At Peace on the Appalachian Trail

Dustin's Story: At Peace on the Appalachian Trail

March 22, 2018 | Community Preparedness | 0 Comments

This Letter Brought Me to Tears - Here's Why A few nights ago I received an email. The contents of that letter touched me greatly, and is the reason I'm writing you today:   The email started out as a simple thank-you note from a man named Dustin. In the...

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