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Survival Scout Tips

What’s REALLY behind the Egg Shortage

What’s REALLY behind the Egg Shortage

January 26, 2023 | Food Preparedness Food Shortages National Events | 0 Comments

For weeks, we’ve been inundated with news about the high cost of eggs. Even if we haven’t heard the talking heads discussing high egg prices, we’ve seen the shocking prices at the grocery store. What is going on? If you listen to the news or do a quick Google search,...

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7 Years until the Great Reset of 2030

7 Years until the Great Reset of 2030

January 06, 2023 | Food Preparedness National Events Natural Disasters | 0 Comments

A few days after Donald Trump was elected President of the United States in 2016, the World Economic Forum posted a blog to their social media pages titled “Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better.” The blog written by Ida Auken of...

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Top 10 Survival Scout Articles of 2022

Top 10 Survival Scout Articles of 2022

December 30, 2022 | Bug-Out Preparedness Food Preparedness Food Shortages Survival Hacks | 0 Comments

According to some, 2022 was supposed to be the year the world finally recovered from the chaos of the COVID era. Clearly, that didn’t happen. Rather than recovery, the last year has presented new challenges that only the most cynical prepper could have seen coming: Historic inflation Skyrocketing food prices...

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Examining Mao’s Man-Made Famine That Killed Millions

Examining Mao’s Man-Made Famine That Killed Millions

December 30, 2022 | Food Preparedness Food Shortages National Events | 0 Comments

Have you ever spoken to someone who thinks they know more about your job or industry than you do when they aren’t even in it? It’s annoying—especially if they know absolutely nothing about that industry.  It happens all the time. And, unfortunately, it happens on a much larger scale, too....

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Baking Survival Hacks

Baking Survival Hacks

December 15, 2022 | Emergency Meal Prep Food Preparedness Food Shortages Survival Skills | 0 Comments

The past few years have taught us the importance of being self-sufficient in the kitchen. Should a natural disaster occur, supply chain disruptions continue, or should there be a run on food at the grocery store, knowing how to make baking substitutions will go a long way toward keeping your...

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Survival Skills We Can Learn from the Pilgrims

Survival Skills We Can Learn from the Pilgrims

November 17, 2022 | Community Preparedness Food Preparedness History of Preparedness Survival Skills | 0 Comments

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, it’s time to give thanks to those brave men and women who came before us. We are all familiar with the story of the first Thanksgiving, where the Pilgrims and the Native Americans shared a meal together to celebrate a successful harvest. But rarely...

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Cooking without Power: What Most  of Us Are Doing Wrong...

Cooking without Power: What Most of Us Are Doing Wrong...

October 14, 2022 | Bug-Out Preparedness Emergency Meal Prep Food Preparedness | 0 Comments

There is a big, glaring weakness in almost every prepper’s supply. It’s an issue that most people aren’t even aware of until they’re in the thick of a disaster…and then it’s too late. The weakness? Many of us don’t have the right gear to safely cook food without power. And...

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Why China Is More Prepared for Food Shortages than America

Why China Is More Prepared for Food Shortages than America

October 06, 2022 | Food Preparedness Food Shortages National Events | 0 Comments

  Food is essential for survival, which is why you’d think food security would be more of a priority for our national government. Especially after how quickly we saw our food supply and supply chain almost come to a halt as a result of the pandemic. While you’d think what...

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Wait! Stockpiling Food Is ILLEGAL in America?

Wait! Stockpiling Food Is ILLEGAL in America?

September 23, 2022 | Food Preparedness Food Shortages History of Preparedness National Events | 0 Comments

We’ve all been told to prepare for emergencies. Even the government suggests stocking up on enough food, water, and other supplies to last a minimum of 72 hours. That’s why you might be surprised to learn that your food stockpile isn’t exactly yours to keep. While it’s not illegal to...

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The War on America’s Farmers and Farmland

The War on America’s Farmers and Farmland

August 18, 2022 | Food Preparedness Food Shortages | 0 Comments

If we told you that it’s open season on US agricultural land and farmers, you might think we’re exaggerating or spreading a conspiracy theory. You’d be wrong. American farmers and farmland are in trouble. Big trouble. On top of droughts, higher prices for diesel, and fertilizer shortages, farmers are facing...

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10 Ways to Recession-Proof Your Life and Save Thousands

10 Ways to Recession-Proof Your Life and Save Thousands

August 04, 2022 | Financial Readiness Food Preparedness National Events | 0 Comments

  As if the soaring inflation rates weren’t enough, now it looks like we’re headed into a recession. At publication time, the current annual inflation rate is 9.1% in June 2022. According to Trading Economics, this is “the highest since November of 1981, from 8.6% in May and above market...

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What History Teaches Us about a Preparedness Mindset

What History Teaches Us about a Preparedness Mindset

July 29, 2022 | Food Preparedness Food Shortages History of Preparedness National Events | 0 Comments

Preparing for a disaster is different than being prepared for a disaster—you have to practice and implement. You have to embrace a preparedness mindset. For example, it wasn’t the protein bar in the hiker’s backpack that saved his life when he found himself lost somewhere off the Appalachian Trail. It...

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