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Survival Scout Tips

The Perfect Storm Is Here – Global Food Crisis

The Perfect Storm Is Here – Global Food Crisis

July 22, 2022 | Food Preparedness Food Shortages National Events | 0 Comments

“Who controls the food supply controls the people.” - Henry Kissinger  Something nasty is brewing. We can see it. We can feel it. Grocers around the country are having a hard time keeping their shelves stocked, we are waiting longer for supplies when we order online, and there are worldwide...

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The Top Supplies America Imports That You Can Start Stocking or Making Yourself

The Top Supplies America Imports That You Can Start Stocking or Making Yourself

May 19, 2022 | Emergency Meal Prep Food Preparedness Survival Tools and Gear | 0 Comments

It's no secret that America outsources jobs overseas for cheaper labor. But that's not all. We also outsource a massive amount of food and goods. In fact, we import double the amount China imports despite the fact they have significantly more people. No matter how great our country's trade agreements...

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EMP Survival 101

EMP Survival 101

May 13, 2022 | Food Preparedness Survival Skills Survival Tools and Gear Water Preparedness | 0 Comments

I woke up earlier this week to a Fox News story titled "Grid operators warn of electricity shortage amid switch to renewables." If anything serves as a green light for enemies looking to strike at America, this is it. The weakened state of our electricity infrastructure makes us more vulnerable...

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10 Survival Lessons from the Great Depression

10 Survival Lessons from the Great Depression

May 06, 2022 | Financial Readiness Food Preparedness History of Preparedness | 0 Comments

As we saw during the Great Recession, the economic chaos of the early pandemic period, and the subsequent inflation pain we are still suffering, our society will never be immune to negative economic outcomes. Whether it be a stock market crash or a foreign attack on our banking systems, there are a...

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What Happens When They Come for Your Food? How to Protect Your Supply.

What Happens When They Come for Your Food? How to Protect Your Supply.

April 28, 2022 | Community Preparedness Food Preparedness | 0 Comments

The ongoing food crisis is about to get worse, friends. When you combine shipping and supply chain issues, the conflict in Ukraine, inflated food and gas prices, and the fertilizer crisis, it creates the perfect storm for farms and grocery stores. Now add the eerie fires occurring at food processing...

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The History of Unleavened Bread and Why It Matters

The History of Unleavened Bread and Why It Matters

April 13, 2022 | Community Preparedness Emergency Meal Prep Food Preparedness Food Shortages History of Preparedness | 0 Comments

This year, Passover is on April 15, followed by the Days of Unleavened Bread from April 16 to 22, with Easter falling on April 17. If you don't follow Jewish or Christian faith traditions, you may be unfamiliar with what is being celebrated and how they overlap. Passover is a...

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How to Afford the Large Emergency Food Supply You Need

How to Afford the Large Emergency Food Supply You Need

April 07, 2022 | Financial Readiness Food Preparedness | 0 Comments

The Red Cross and FEMA recommend having enough emergency food and water for 72 hours. The only problem: 3 days isn’t enough… not even close. For evidence of that fact, consider that events like Hurricane Katrina, the Derecho Blackout of 2012, and the Texas Winter Storm all resulted in blackouts...

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Why You Need Alcohol in Your Emergency Stockpile

Why You Need Alcohol in Your Emergency Stockpile

March 10, 2022 | Emergency Medical Skills & Tools Food Preparedness Survival Skills | 0 Comments

    We all know the dangers of alcohol, but whether there’s a societal breakdown or you’re simply out of power for a few days, you’ll be wishing you had some. Alcohol doesn’t go bad, which means it can be stored indefinitely. It also has a variety of uses, making...

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Preparedness Lessons from Ireland’s Great Potato Famine

Preparedness Lessons from Ireland’s Great Potato Famine

March 04, 2022 | Food Preparedness History of Preparedness | 0 Comments

For many Americans, St. Patrick’s Day conjures memories of parades, green beer, and leprechauns. But St. Patrick’s Day in America as we know it started because of the Great Potato Famine in Ireland, which was certainly not a time of celebration. The Great Potato Famine lasted from 1845-1849, and it...

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When Truckers Stop Trucking: How to Prepare

When Truckers Stop Trucking: How to Prepare

February 17, 2022 | Food Preparedness Food Shortages National Events | 0 Comments

We’ve faced supply-and-demand issues over the last two years. While annoying and troubling, it’s become somewhat normal to walk into stores (brick-and-mortar and online) only to find missing products, lengthy delays in shipping, and empty shelves. And now, we’re facing a new one – truckers not trucking. And if truckers...

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Build a Year’s Supply of Emergency Food Piece by Piece

Build a Year’s Supply of Emergency Food Piece by Piece

December 29, 2021 | Emergency Meal Prep Food Preparedness Getting Started with Prep | 0 Comments

  At the start of a new year, many of us make resolutions… and let’s face it, most of us fail to keep them. We have the best of intentions, but life, time, or money get in the way. The same thing is true when it comes to building a...

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13 Cooking Hacks When You’re Missing Ingredients

13 Cooking Hacks When You’re Missing Ingredients

November 17, 2021 | Food Preparedness Survival Hacks | 0 Comments

We’ve all experienced some type of ingredient shortage – whether stores are closed because of a hurricane, the current supply chain issues have made it hard to find basic ingredients, or the grocery stores are out of stock. Take yeast, for example. When the pandemic first impacted the United States...

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