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Survival Scout Tips

Examining Mao’s Man-Made Famine That Killed Millions

Examining Mao’s Man-Made Famine That Killed Millions

December 30, 2022 | Food Preparedness Food Shortages National Events | 0 Comments

Have you ever spoken to someone who thinks they know more about your job or industry than you do when they aren’t even in it? It’s annoying—especially if they know absolutely nothing about that industry.  It happens all the time. And, unfortunately, it happens on a much larger scale, too....

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Baking Survival Hacks

Baking Survival Hacks

December 15, 2022 | Emergency Meal Prep Food Preparedness Food Shortages Survival Skills | 0 Comments

The past few years have taught us the importance of being self-sufficient in the kitchen. Should a natural disaster occur, supply chain disruptions continue, or should there be a run on food at the grocery store, knowing how to make baking substitutions will go a long way toward keeping your...

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A Diesel Fuel and Natural Gas Shortage Is Here

A Diesel Fuel and Natural Gas Shortage Is Here

November 10, 2022 | Food Shortages National Events Winter Readiness | 0 Comments

The news headlines are ominous. “The US now has just 25 days of diesel supply — the lowest since 2008.” “US diesel supplier warns businesses to prepare for shortages, higher prices for consumers.” “A Natural Gas Shortage Is Looming for the U.S.” “Utility CEO warns natural gas shortage could put...

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Why China Is More Prepared for Food Shortages than America

Why China Is More Prepared for Food Shortages than America

October 06, 2022 | Food Preparedness Food Shortages National Events | 0 Comments

  Food is essential for survival, which is why you’d think food security would be more of a priority for our national government. Especially after how quickly we saw our food supply and supply chain almost come to a halt as a result of the pandemic. While you’d think what...

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Wait! Stockpiling Food Is ILLEGAL in America?

Wait! Stockpiling Food Is ILLEGAL in America?

September 23, 2022 | Food Preparedness Food Shortages History of Preparedness National Events | 0 Comments

We’ve all been told to prepare for emergencies. Even the government suggests stocking up on enough food, water, and other supplies to last a minimum of 72 hours. That’s why you might be surprised to learn that your food stockpile isn’t exactly yours to keep. While it’s not illegal to...

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The War on America’s Farmers and Farmland

The War on America’s Farmers and Farmland

August 18, 2022 | Food Preparedness Food Shortages | 0 Comments

If we told you that it’s open season on US agricultural land and farmers, you might think we’re exaggerating or spreading a conspiracy theory. You’d be wrong. American farmers and farmland are in trouble. Big trouble. On top of droughts, higher prices for diesel, and fertilizer shortages, farmers are facing...

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What History Teaches Us about a Preparedness Mindset

What History Teaches Us about a Preparedness Mindset

July 29, 2022 | Food Preparedness Food Shortages History of Preparedness National Events | 0 Comments

Preparing for a disaster is different than being prepared for a disaster—you have to practice and implement. You have to embrace a preparedness mindset. For example, it wasn’t the protein bar in the hiker’s backpack that saved his life when he found himself lost somewhere off the Appalachian Trail. It...

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The Perfect Storm Is Here – Global Food Crisis

The Perfect Storm Is Here – Global Food Crisis

July 22, 2022 | Food Preparedness Food Shortages National Events | 0 Comments

“Who controls the food supply controls the people.” - Henry Kissinger  Something nasty is brewing. We can see it. We can feel it. Grocers around the country are having a hard time keeping their shelves stocked, we are waiting longer for supplies when we order online, and there are worldwide...

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These Are the 20+ Food Facilities That Have Burned in 2022

These Are the 20+ Food Facilities That Have Burned in 2022

June 10, 2022 | Food Shortages National Events | 0 Comments

These Are the Food Facilities (And Counting) That Have Burned in 2022  Every year, a small percentage of food facilities are destroyed in industrial accidents.  But 2022 has been ESPECIALLY ACTIVE, with over 20 fires at food facilities so far—a much higher figure than average.  It’s gotten a lot of people...

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Prepare Now for the Long-Term Effects of the Fertilizer Crisis

Prepare Now for the Long-Term Effects of the Fertilizer Crisis

April 21, 2022 | Food Shortages National Events | 0 Comments

The Looming Fertilizer Meltdown and Decline of Abundance in America Something bizarre is happening… there’s an issue that everyone in the media actually agrees on! Regardless of where you get your news, you'll hear pundits talking about the looming food crisis along with the fertilizer shortages that are making it...

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The History of Unleavened Bread and Why It Matters

The History of Unleavened Bread and Why It Matters

April 13, 2022 | Community Preparedness Emergency Meal Prep Food Preparedness Food Shortages History of Preparedness | 0 Comments

This year, Passover is on April 15, followed by the Days of Unleavened Bread from April 16 to 22, with Easter falling on April 17. If you don't follow Jewish or Christian faith traditions, you may be unfamiliar with what is being celebrated and how they overlap. Passover is a...

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When Truckers Stop Trucking: How to Prepare

When Truckers Stop Trucking: How to Prepare

February 17, 2022 | Food Preparedness Food Shortages National Events | 0 Comments

We’ve faced supply-and-demand issues over the last two years. While annoying and troubling, it’s become somewhat normal to walk into stores (brick-and-mortar and online) only to find missing products, lengthy delays in shipping, and empty shelves. And now, we’re facing a new one – truckers not trucking. And if truckers...

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