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Survival Scout Tips

Brave Mothers in US History: Survival, Resiliency, and Love

Brave Mothers in US History: Survival, Resiliency, and Love

May 05, 2022 | History of Preparedness | 0 Comments

With Mother’s Day around the corner, we’ve been thinking about the amazing mothers who have shaped our lives. Beyond our individual mothers who brought us into the world, there are generations of moms who shaped America for us. These women braved new lands, enemies, and threats to stake their claims...

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The History of Unleavened Bread and Why It Matters

The History of Unleavened Bread and Why It Matters

April 13, 2022 | Community Preparedness Emergency Meal Prep Food Preparedness Food Shortages History of Preparedness | 0 Comments

This year, Passover is on April 15, followed by the Days of Unleavened Bread from April 16 to 22, with Easter falling on April 17. If you don't follow Jewish or Christian faith traditions, you may be unfamiliar with what is being celebrated and how they overlap. Passover is a...

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25 Best Survival Memes for Emergency Preparedness

25 Best Survival Memes for Emergency Preparedness

March 25, 2022 | History of Preparedness National Events | 0 Comments

Just a few years ago, some people mocked emergency preparation. They found it weird that anyone would spend time, money, and energy stocking up and getting ready for disasters or emergencies. That was before the world spun out of control… In the spirit of sharing a chuckle, today we’re posting...

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Preparedness Lessons from Ireland’s Great Potato Famine

Preparedness Lessons from Ireland’s Great Potato Famine

March 04, 2022 | Food Preparedness History of Preparedness | 0 Comments

For many Americans, St. Patrick’s Day conjures memories of parades, green beer, and leprechauns. But St. Patrick’s Day in America as we know it started because of the Great Potato Famine in Ireland, which was certainly not a time of celebration. The Great Potato Famine lasted from 1845-1849, and it...

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What Happened in Canada Should Make Us Reconsider Executive Order 13603

What Happened in Canada Should Make Us Reconsider Executive Order 13603

February 24, 2022 | History of Preparedness National Events | 0 Comments

If you haven’t been paying attention to what just happened with our neighbors in the Great White North, we urge you to start. The Canadian Freedom Convoy, which consisted of truckers protesting COVID-19 mandates in Ottawa and blocking three of the most-trafficked interstate bridges between Canada and the United States,...

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Survival Lessons from the Great Chicago Fire

Survival Lessons from the Great Chicago Fire

February 10, 2022 | History of Preparedness National Events | 0 Comments

On the morning of October 8, 1871, The Chicago Tribune included the following quote: “The absence of rain for three weeks [has] left everything in so flammable a condition that a spark might set a fire which would sweep from end to end of the city.” Sadly, this warning proved...

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The Fourth Industrial Revolution: What It Is and How to Prepare

The Fourth Industrial Revolution: What It Is and How to Prepare

January 26, 2022 | History of Preparedness | 0 Comments

In school, you studied the Industrial Revolution. But did you study the Second or Third ones? Are you aware that we are currently going through the Fourth Industrial Revolution? Since the very First Industrial Revolution, humanity has strived to improve through new technologies. Now is no different. However, today’s technologies...

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5th-Generation Security Threats to Keep on Your Radar

5th-Generation Security Threats to Keep on Your Radar

January 06, 2022 | History of Preparedness | 0 Comments

The United States of America has the best military in the world, but how will they protect American citizens from the newest types of security threats that don’t require physical combat? The term “fifth generation warfare” was first used in 2003, but since that time, it has been increasingly clear...

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Why Christmas This Year Is More Meaningful

Why Christmas This Year Is More Meaningful

December 21, 2021 | History of Preparedness National Events | 0 Comments

Christmas has always been special, but after 2020, this year’s Christmas feels even more meaningful. It’s not because things have gotten better (in many ways, they haven’t). Christmas 2021 is more meaningful because we gained a new perspective in 2020. When the world shut down in 2020, everyone suffered. Schools...

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Our Readers’ Favorite Survival Scout Articles of 2021

Our Readers’ Favorite Survival Scout Articles of 2021

December 15, 2021 | History of Preparedness | 0 Comments

Many of us hoped that 2021 would be a better year than 2020. But 2021 proved to be just as weird – if not more. We continued to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, but with the addition of vaccines and vaccine mandates. We watched in horror multiple times as citizens...

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When the Government Takes Away Freedom of Movement

When the Government Takes Away Freedom of Movement

December 08, 2021 | History of Preparedness Pandemics | 0 Comments

Most of us didn’t really give much thought to our right to freedom of movement until coronavirus quarantines began. Boston University Law Review explains, “The right to travel is different from the right to free speech, to bear arms, and to equal protection under the law. These enumerated rights have...

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Preparing for a Parallel Society

Preparing for a Parallel Society

November 24, 2021 | History of Preparedness National Events | 0 Comments

In 1953, Ray Bradbury penned the classic dystopian novel, Fahrenheit 451. In it, he depicts a futuristic society where firemen are responsible for burning books, as censorship is key. However, the novel ends with the main character, a former firefighter, choosing to go against society by aiming to preserve books...

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