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Survival Scout Tips

Stranded: 3 Epic Stories of Survival

Stranded: 3 Epic Stories of Survival

April 11, 2019 | Survival Hacks | 0 Comments

Getting stranded can happen to anyone. Perhaps it’s taking a wrong turn in a snowstorm and getting stuck alongside the road. Or falling and injuring yourself while hiking solo on a vacation in the mountains. When it happens, no one wants to be caught unprepared without the knowledge and tools...

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Tsunamis: Are You at Risk & Prepared?

Tsunamis: Are You at Risk & Prepared?

February 07, 2019 | Natural Disasters Survival Hacks | 0 Comments

Earthquakes can be a deadly occurrence. When they happen, it’s easy to go into shock. But for those that are located near the coast (and we’re talking hundreds of miles off the coast here), the time period after an earthquake or another sort of underwater disturbance requires critical and thoughtful...

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6 Surprising Life-Saving Uses for Alcohol during a Crisis

6 Surprising Life-Saving Uses for Alcohol during a Crisis

January 30, 2019 | Emergency Medical Skills & Tools Survival Hacks | 0 Comments

When you think of a bottle of alcohol, enjoying a cocktail with friends at a party or sipping a glass on the rocks after a long day of work may come to mind. Although libations are a nice addition to good times spent with friends, I’d like to let you...

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6 Prepper Barter Lessons from History

6 Prepper Barter Lessons from History

January 11, 2019 | Financial Readiness Survival Hacks | 0 Comments

In the span of human history, money as a concept didn’t exist until about 5,000 B.C.  Before that, the practice of bartering had been around for centuries as a means to exchange goods and services.  Though you won’t see many people in the Western world exchanging farm animals or precious...

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Cybersecurity Threats You Should Be Aware Of

Cybersecurity Threats You Should Be Aware Of

November 01, 2018 | Financial Readiness National Events Survival Hacks | 0 Comments

Sending an email. Making an online banking transaction. Posting a photo on Instagram or location on Facebook/Twitter. Throughout the day, we use a lot of connected devices. From our phones to our computers, these digital tools are pretty much central to our lives. Unfortunately, along with the increasing use of...

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All About Salt & Preparedness

All About Salt & Preparedness

April 08, 2018 | Food Preparedness Survival Hacks | 0 Comments

All About Salt and Preparedness Salt has been valuable since the dawn of civilization. Many are familiar with the phrase "worth his salt." This has origins in the ancient slave trade, where slaves would be traded for this commodity. Ancient Roman soldiers were also paid in salt, called a salarium,...

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Clutter is a Prepper's Worst Enemy

Clutter is a Prepper's Worst Enemy

April 08, 2018 | Survival Hacks | 0 Comments

We all know preparedness is a journey. Journeys take time. Over this course of time, we add supplies and contingencies to our preps. We become more self-reliant, but we also have even more of a need for organization. I realized how important this was recently while visiting a preparedness-minded friend....

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A Discovery Older Than America Might Help Protect It Today

A Discovery Older Than America Might Help Protect It Today

April 06, 2018 | History of Preparedness Survival Hacks | 0 Comments

A DISCOVERY OLDER THAN AMERICA MAY HELP PROTECT IT TODAY To start today’s discussion of EMP shielding, we are going to go back to 1755. As you may know, our polymath founding father Benjamin Franklin conducted many experiments with electricity in the mid-18th century. Franklin’s kite experiment is perhaps the...

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Dispatches from Irma - The MPS Team in the Wake of Destruction

Dispatches from Irma - The MPS Team in the Wake of Destruction

April 06, 2018 | Natural Disasters Power Outages Survival Hacks | 0 Comments

“WE ARE LUCKY” We’ll cut to the chase today. Here’s what David has reported from Irma: First, I would like to acknowledge our team. In total, we have 5 of our preparedness advisors in Florida. Some are still without power. The folks in the main office in Sandpoint in northern...

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Improvisation: When Plans (Inevitably) Fail

Improvisation: When Plans (Inevitably) Fail

April 05, 2018 | Survival Hacks Survival Skills | 0 Comments

IMPROVISATION:When Plans (Inevitably) Fail In today's Survival Scout, we'll discuss a principle known as improvisation. You might be familiar with the term as it's used in music or comedy, but it essentially means thinking on your feet. Improvisation is a natural complement to preparedness. The unfortunate truth is that, no...

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Need Not, Want Not - The Top 5 Items to Hoard in Bulk

Need Not, Want Not - The Top 5 Items to Hoard in Bulk

April 05, 2018 | Survival Hacks | 0 Comments

If you're a regular reader of our weekly Survival Scouts, you know that we always preach building a preparedness plan around the necessities of life. That means food and water filtration. Above all, these are the #1 items to have and hoard - and where most of your investment in...

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4 Strategies for Sustaining Your Food Supply

4 Strategies for Sustaining Your Food Supply

March 25, 2018 | Food Preparedness Survival Hacks | 0 Comments

Today, I wanted to address something that's very important to the preparedness lifestyle. It's also something that anyone preparing on a budget - and that's pretty much all of us - needs to hear. Making a major commitment to preparedness is a vital, first step. A 3 to-6-month food storage...

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MPS Survival Scout & Deals

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