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Survival Scout Tips

What We Can Learn from the Make Do and Mend Campaign

What We Can Learn from the Make Do and Mend Campaign

February 03, 2021 | History of Preparedness Survival Hacks | 0 Comments

We live in a time where we can get practically everything we want when we want it. With Amazon Prime, people can order online and have it on their doorstep in two days (or less). Same goes for securing emergency food storage. As America’s mass consumption grows and shipping speed...

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How to Barter Your Way to Survival - Start Prepping Today

How to Barter Your Way to Survival - Start Prepping Today

January 28, 2021 | National Events | 0 Comments

In the spring of 2020, Americans found themselves unable to buy items they desperately needed due to supply chain disruptions. Suddenly, we were willing to trade whatever we had for toilet paper and hand sanitizer. Without realizing it, we entered into an age-old tradition of survival bartering. Bartering has existed...

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Blackouts in Brazil: How to Prepare for the Possibility of Darkness

Blackouts in Brazil: How to Prepare for the Possibility of Darkness

January 20, 2021 | Power Outages Survival Tools and Gear | 0 Comments

Imagine you are riding an underground subway of a major metropolitan city when you are suddenly plunged into darkness as the train comes to a screeching halt, trapping you for hours. For many people in Brazil, this frightening scenario has happened more than once. Brazil has a history of random...

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Special Diets & Personal Tastes: Your Guide to Custom Food Storage

Special Diets & Personal Tastes: Your Guide to Custom Food Storage

January 20, 2021 | Emergency Meal Prep Food Preparedness Getting Started with Prep | 0 Comments

How To Easily Customize Your Long-Term Food Storage Supply If You Have Special Dietary Needs or Food Preferences  When people are thinking of building their food storage plan, they often ask our experts these questions... How much food do I need? How long can I keep it in storage? Where...

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18 Essential Items to Keep Your Household Running during a Disaster

18 Essential Items to Keep Your Household Running during a Disaster

January 13, 2021 | Survival Hacks | 0 Comments

We’ve all experienced events that have caused supplies to run low. Some of us have even faced natural disasters where we were unable to purchase supplies or food. Whether you face a natural disaster or blackout, or there is a societal meltdown, it is wise to keep certain essential items...

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Food Sovereignty: Feed Yourself, Free Yourself

Food Sovereignty: Feed Yourself, Free Yourself

January 06, 2021 | Food Preparedness History of Preparedness | 0 Comments

When the pandemic hit America in the late winter of 2020, many folks found themselves pondering where their food comes from when they suddenly found grocery store shelves empty. Supply chain disruptions, combined with panic buying, led to shortages of many daily-use items from flour to meat. For most survivalists, concern about food...

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10 Most-Popular Survival Scout Articles of 2020

10 Most-Popular Survival Scout Articles of 2020

December 30, 2020 | Bug-Out Preparedness Food Preparedness Survival Hacks | 0 Comments

Our Top 10 Most-Popular Survival Scout Articles of 2020 Contain the Best Info ---- Get the Vital Information You Need to Know for the Year Ahead 1. Why a One-Year Food Supply Is Critical for SurvivalIf 2020 has shown us anything, it is that preparation is absolutely necessary for survival....

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Say It Proudly - Merry Christmas Now More Than Ever

Say It Proudly - Merry Christmas Now More Than Ever

December 23, 2020 | National Events | 0 Comments

This time last year, the world had no idea what it was in for. Sure, we all knew the U.S. presidential election would be intense – as it surely has. But early in the year, the global outbreak of COVID-19 took everyone by surprise. We were told it was going...

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How to Barter Your Way to Survival - Start Prepping Today

How to Barter Your Way to Survival - Start Prepping Today

December 16, 2020 | National Events | 0 Comments

In the spring of 2020, Americans found themselves unable to buy items they desperately needed due to supply chain disruptions. Suddenly, we were willing to trade whatever we had for toilet paper and hand sanitizer. Without realizing it, we entered into an age-old tradition of survival bartering. Bartering has existed...

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Big Tech Has a Censorship Problem. Here’s What You Need to Know.

Big Tech Has a Censorship Problem. Here’s What You Need to Know.

December 10, 2020 | National Events | 0 Comments

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” First Amendment of the U.S....

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16 Uses for Rubbing Alcohol in Emergency Situations

16 Uses for Rubbing Alcohol in Emergency Situations

December 03, 2020 | Emergency Medical Skills & Tools Survival Hacks | 0 Comments

Most Americans have a powerful emergency preparedness tool in their medicine cabinets. That tool is rubbing alcohol. We tend to associate rubbing alcohol with wound cleaning, but there are far more uses for this multipurpose chemical. Specifically, there are several ways to use rubbing alcohol in emergency situations, which is...

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15 Preparedness Tools We Are Thankful For

15 Preparedness Tools We Are Thankful For

November 23, 2020 | Food Preparedness Survival Tools and Gear | 0 Comments

Even during what has to be the weirdest year (please go away, 2020), it’s important to find things to be thankful for. As you sit around the table this Thanksgiving, we hope you will spend some time reflecting on the many reasons you have to be grateful, such as a...

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