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Survival Scout Tips

How to Store Meat without Refrigeration

How to Store Meat without Refrigeration

August 26, 2020 | Food Preparedness History of Preparedness Survival Skills | 0 Comments

Meat is an essential source of protein, which is why it’s vital to know how to properly store it. We’ve become too accustomed to using a refrigerator or freezer to store meat. If you ask people what they do with the meat in their refrigerator or freezer when they lose...

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Surviving a Year-Long Blackout: Lessons from Puerto Rico & the USVI

Surviving a Year-Long Blackout: Lessons from Puerto Rico & the USVI

August 20, 2020 | Natural Disasters Power Outages | 0 Comments

The recent power grid collapse in Texas wasn't just a one-time event. It was a warning: our system of power delivery is more vulnerable than most people know. A single major disaster—a cyber attack, a solar flare, or a few big hurricanes all hitting in a row—could set off a chain...

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How to Leverage Social Media When Disaster Strikes

How to Leverage Social Media When Disaster Strikes

August 13, 2020 | National Events | 0 Comments

However you might feel about Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Parler, and other platforms, social media is here to stay. Beyond staying in touch with your college friends and extended family members, it can be extremely valuable as a tool when disaster hits your area. For example, think about how social media… ...

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Heard of Operation Dark Winter? Here’s Why It Matters Now.

Heard of Operation Dark Winter? Here’s Why It Matters Now.

August 05, 2020 | History of Preparedness Pandemics | 0 Comments

Some believe the COVID-19 pandemic is the result of bioterrorism. There is also a large body of scientific evidence that shows that animals spread the COVID-19 virus to humans. Whatever the fact may be, the pandemic we are currently living through has opened the public’s eyes to the effects of...

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Grab and Go Emergency Evacuations Must-Haves

Grab and Go Emergency Evacuations Must-Haves

July 29, 2020 | Bug-Out Preparedness | 0 Comments

We can’t always predict when an emergency will happen that will force us to evacuate from our homes. But it happens more often than you think. In FEMA’s Planning Considerations guide, they report that more than 8 million people were affected by evacuation orders in America in 2017. Here are...

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Baking Soda – An Emergency Preparedness Staple

Baking Soda – An Emergency Preparedness Staple

July 23, 2020 | Emergency Medical Skills & Tools Survival Hacks | 0 Comments

When it comes to packing an emergency preparedness kit, it is essential to pack a few of those wonder products that work to meet a variety of needs. These multiuse products are ideal for emergency preparedness kits because you can solve a lot of problems with one product rather than...

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How to Cook Beans in a Hole in the Ground

How to Cook Beans in a Hole in the Ground

July 16, 2020 | Emergency Meal Prep Food Preparedness Survival Skills | 0 Comments

Some of the best meals are those eaten around a campfire with the ones we love. As idyllic as that sounds, there may be a time when we must eat this way to survive. Those who understand the importance of food independence for survival know that food independence starts with...

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Why a One-Year Food Supply Is Critical for Survival

Why a One-Year Food Supply Is Critical for Survival

July 08, 2020 | Food Preparedness | 0 Comments

If 2020 has shown us anything, it is that preparation is absolutely necessary for survival. But just how much preparation do we need to do? The answers vary widely. The American Red Cross recommends having a two-week supply of food and water for each member of the household. In contrast,...

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Achieve Personal Freedom This Independence Day

Achieve Personal Freedom This Independence Day

July 01, 2020 | Food Preparedness History of Preparedness Water Preparedness | 0 Comments

The 4th of July is a day filled with backyard barbecues and nighttime fireworks displays. Americans come together to celebrate our nation’s birth each summer, but many miss the point. We are celebrating the anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, but few Americans have even read it....

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3 Lessons From The Great Plague We Can Learn From

3 Lessons From The Great Plague We Can Learn From

June 25, 2020 | History of Preparedness Pandemics | 0 Comments

Beginnings of the plague appeared very early in the British Isles going as far back as the summer of 1348. From that point on, it never really disappeared. At the time, people thought they could survive by avoiding it. And many did. However, in 1665, it became very clear to...

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I Talked to a Man Today

I Talked to a Man Today

June 17, 2020 | Food Shortages Pandemics | 0 Comments

What a lesson! This story (some call it a poem) has been making the rounds on social media, blogs, and Reddit over the last couple of months. We wish we knew who the author was, but have not been able to track that down. It's quite a worthy read given...

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What Little House on the Prairie Teaches Us about Preparedness

What Little House on the Prairie Teaches Us about Preparedness

June 16, 2020 | Food Preparedness National Events | 0 Comments

(Photo: NBC/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images) Many of us remember sitting with our families for our weekly viewing of the classic television show Little House on the Prairie. Even if you didn’t grow up watching the beloved Michael Landon or reading the series of novels it was based on,...

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