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Survival Scout Tips

Survival Cooking When the Power Is Out

Survival Cooking When the Power Is Out

September 27, 2019 | Emergency Meal Prep Power Outages Survival Tools and Gear | 0 Comments

When it comes to disaster planning, knowing how to cook your food is an important piece of the puzzle. If disaster strikes, you will likely have to adapt your methods used for meal preparation--and cooking is one of them.  Being able to feed your family will ensure that you stay...

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3 Locations to Avoid during a Disaster

3 Locations to Avoid during a Disaster

September 18, 2019 | Natural Disasters | 0 Comments

When it comes to disaster planning and preparedness strategies, naturally you may zero in on assessing and determining where to go to seek safety and shelter. However, it’s equally important to know which areas to avoid during a disaster. Some places will without a doubt be overwhelmed by panicked individuals...

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What to Do during a Boil Water Advisory Order

What to Do during a Boil Water Advisory Order

September 12, 2019 | Water Preparedness | 0 Comments

Living in the United States comes along with certain comforts and luxuries that we often take for granted--and a safe water supply is one of them. It’s easy to assume that water contamination is a problem exclusive to the developing world. However, there are times when the water supply in...

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The Impending Mega-storm on the West Coast

The Impending Mega-storm on the West Coast

September 05, 2019 | History of Preparedness Natural Disasters | 0 Comments

Residents and visitors of California are all too aware of the impending risk of a major earthquake originating in the San Andreas fault. Or other connected faults. Such a quake could topple buildings, cut power, and kill hundreds. However, what people aren’t as familiar with is the threat of another...

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5 Factors Influencing the Future of Food Security

5 Factors Influencing the Future of Food Security

August 29, 2019 | Food Preparedness Food Shortages | 0 Comments

We recently covered the potential of a future food shortage in the US brought on by low planting rates of key crops such as corn and soybeans following major flooding in the Midwest. However, this weather disaster-induced shortage is just one of many factors currently affecting food security in the...

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5 Reasons Why Solar Energy Is an Ideal BackUp Power Source

5 Reasons Why Solar Energy Is an Ideal BackUp Power Source

August 22, 2019 | Power Outages | 0 Comments

Those who are truly prepared understand that, although it may not appear likely, we’re always at risk for worst-case scenarios. A quick look back at recent natural disasters and terrorist attacks shows us how individuals, families, and communities can be put at risk and thrown off track in an instant.  Oftentimes...

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The Secret About Emergency Blankets...

The Secret About Emergency Blankets...

August 15, 2019 | Survival Hacks | 0 Comments

If you have an interest in and penchant for preparedness, you’ve likely heard your fair share of amazing survival stories. Stories demonstrate how people use their quick thinking and principles of preparedness to persist in the face of chaos and the unpredictable.  Maybe it’s the tale of a woman who...

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Hardships of Jamestown: 3 Universal Lessons

Hardships of Jamestown: 3 Universal Lessons

August 09, 2019 | Food Shortages History of Preparedness Water Preparedness | 0 Comments

If you look back at what life was like for the early colonists and settlers in North America, you’ll find plenty of hardship. The land was wild and undeveloped, the winters brutal, and tensions with local native populations ran high. Although we may never be able to fully relate to...

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Ebola Spreads in Africa: What Americans Need to Know

Ebola Spreads in Africa: What Americans Need to Know

August 02, 2019 | National Events Pandemics | 0 Comments

Whether they are bacteria-based or viral, infectious diseases pose a threat to every human on earth. And once they become an epidemic, it’s not too long before they can become a global pandemic.  The World Health Organization recently declared the Ebola outbreak in Africa, specifically in the Democratic Republic of...

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Tales and Tips for Urban Preparedness

Tales and Tips for Urban Preparedness

July 24, 2019 | Bug-Out Preparedness Natural Disasters Survival Hacks | 0 Comments

Although we all share similar concerns for our safety and survival, those living a preparedness lifestyle are quite diverse when it comes to age, gender, location, and more. However, by and large, we follow a similar set of guidelines when it comes to preparation.  The setting we live in adds...

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The Coming Blackout: What You Need to Know

The Coming Blackout: What You Need to Know

July 17, 2019 | Power Outages | 0 Comments

On Saturday, July 13, a large area of New York City plunged into a state of darkness. The blackout lasted for five hours and affected the west side of Manhattan. When 26 theaters were suddenly without power, social media channels were abuzz with videos of various Broadway productions continuing their...

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California Earthquakes: What’s Coming Next and How to Prepare

California Earthquakes: What’s Coming Next and How to Prepare

July 11, 2019 | Food Preparedness Natural Disasters Survival Hacks Water Preparedness | 0 Comments

On July 4, Independence Day, a 6.4 magnitude earthquake rocked Southern California at 10:33 a.m. local time. Its epicenter was 150 miles northeast of Los Angeles, and was felt from Las Vegas to Los Angeles on California's Pacific coast. Power lines fell, roads cracked, fires broke out, and first responders...

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