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Survival Scout Tips

Special Diets & Personal Tastes: Your Guide to Custom Food Storage

Special Diets & Personal Tastes: Your Guide to Custom Food Storage

January 20, 2021 | Emergency Meal Prep Food Preparedness Getting Started with Prep | 0 Comments

How To Easily Customize Your Long-Term Food Storage Supply If You Have Special Dietary Needs or Food Preferences  When people are thinking of building their food storage plan, they often ask our experts these questions... How much food do I need? How long can I keep it in storage? Where...

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7 Survival Strategies to Teach Kids

7 Survival Strategies to Teach Kids

August 24, 2018 | Emergency Medical Skills & Tools Getting Started with Prep Water Preparedness | 0 Comments

As an adult reader of this blog, you likely have the skills and knowledge to protect yourself and your family in the event of an emergency. That’s great. But would your kids or grandkids be okay if they had to handle an emergency situation without you? The reality is that...

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You're Planning for the Future at Today's Prices

You're Planning for the Future at Today's Prices

April 06, 2018 | Getting Started with Prep | 0 Comments

"You are planning for the future at today’s prices" This week, we sit down with David, a lifelong prepper, veteran and Customer Service Manager for the My Patriot Supply family. If you missed David’s dispatches during Hurricane Irma, you can read them here. MPS: How long have you been with...

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The Truth About National Preparedness Month

The Truth About National Preparedness Month

April 06, 2018 | Getting Started with Prep | 0 Comments

THE TRUTH ABOUT “PREPAREDNESS MONTH” IT’S A LIFELONG JOURNEY – ONE YOU’LL CHERISH EVERY STEP I’ll cut right to the chase today. Look, if you're anything like me (and I know many of you are) you don't need one month out of the year to remind you to get prepared....

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Weekend Without Power - A Quick Story & Challenge

Weekend Without Power - A Quick Story & Challenge

April 05, 2018 | Getting Started with Prep Power Outages | 0 Comments

Weekend Without PowerA Quick Story and a Challenge In last week's edition of Survival Scout, my fellow preparedness advisor Elizabeth talked about the power of a story to encourage people to get prepared. You can read that article here: click to read. Elizabeth inspired me to tell my own story....

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What's the Worst That Could Happen? A Mom Prepares After Terrorism

What's the Worst That Could Happen? A Mom Prepares After Terrorism

April 04, 2018 | Getting Started with Prep Survival Tools and Gear | 0 Comments

What's the Worst that Could Happen? A Mom Prepares After Terrorism Today, I thought I'd share a true story of one family's self-reliance journey that followed a horrendous attack on our country. Meet Patriot Jean, who has plenty to share from her preparedness journey. In the hours after the events...

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Prepare for Adventure - A Unique Approach

Prepare for Adventure - A Unique Approach

March 25, 2018 | Bug-Out Preparedness Getting Started with Prep | 0 Comments

Earlier this week, I had an interesting email exchange with a cousin of mine. Let's call him Seth for the sake of his privacy. Seth's a bit younger than me, but what he had to say was unique, insightful and wise beyond his years. I asked him if I could...

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Fun Ways to Teach Kids Preparedness - Pass it On

Fun Ways to Teach Kids Preparedness - Pass it On

March 24, 2018 | Community Preparedness Getting Started with Prep Survival Skills | 0 Comments

Family values. They're a cornerstone of the preparedness lifestyle - and of course, American life in general.  Teach Kids Preparedness That's why, today, I want to spend a little time focusing on the future of preparedness - children. Instilling the values of self-reliance and emergency preparedness in our children and...

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The Three Little Pigs & Preparedness

The Three Little Pigs & Preparedness

March 24, 2018 | Food Preparedness Getting Started with Prep | 0 Comments

The Three Little Pigs & Preparedness A couple of weeks ago, I sent loyal customers like you a note about the one "preparedness mistake to avoid." If you missed it, click here to read it. I was happy to see that a lot of you took that message to heart....

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The Right Preparedness Mindset Matters

The Right Preparedness Mindset Matters

March 23, 2018 | Food Preparedness Getting Started with Prep | 0 Comments

The Right Preparedness Mindset Matters As an expert in preparedness, I often get asked for advice. By far, the most common question I get asked is something like: "If you could recommend I do just one thing to get prepared, what would it be?" This question is often easier asked...

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The Lesson That Transformed My Approach to Preparedness

The Lesson That Transformed My Approach to Preparedness

March 21, 2018 | Getting Started with Prep | 0 Comments

Let me tell you a story. Like other stories I've shared recently, this one contains a powerful lesson about preparedness, which is why I bring you this one today. Sometimes the simplest, strangest things teach you a lot about preparedness. For example, recently I've told you about the lessons I...

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MPS Survival Scout & Deals

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