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Survival Scout Tips

The Impending Mega-storm on the West Coast

The Impending Mega-storm on the West Coast

September 05, 2019 | History of Preparedness Natural Disasters | 0 Comments

Residents and visitors of California are all too aware of the impending risk of a major earthquake originating in the San Andreas fault. Or other connected faults. Such a quake could topple buildings, cut power, and kill hundreds. However, what people aren’t as familiar with is the threat of another...

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Tales and Tips for Urban Preparedness

Tales and Tips for Urban Preparedness

July 24, 2019 | Bug-Out Preparedness Natural Disasters Survival Hacks | 0 Comments

Although we all share similar concerns for our safety and survival, those living a preparedness lifestyle are quite diverse when it comes to age, gender, location, and more. However, by and large, we follow a similar set of guidelines when it comes to preparation.  The setting we live in adds...

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California Earthquakes: What’s Coming Next and How to Prepare

California Earthquakes: What’s Coming Next and How to Prepare

July 11, 2019 | Food Preparedness Natural Disasters Survival Hacks Water Preparedness | 0 Comments

On July 4, Independence Day, a 6.4 magnitude earthquake rocked Southern California at 10:33 a.m. local time. Its epicenter was 150 miles northeast of Los Angeles, and was felt from Las Vegas to Los Angeles on California's Pacific coast. Power lines fell, roads cracked, fires broke out, and first responders...

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Key Disaster Advice from Survivors

Key Disaster Advice from Survivors

July 05, 2019 | Natural Disasters | 0 Comments

We can always learn from statistics, general advice, and other forms of information--but what tends to stick in our memories and remain in the forefront of our minds are stories. That’s why in this post, I’m sharing collected disaster advice from five survivors of three scenarios: wildfires, earthquakes, and civil...

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The Coming 2019 Food Crisis… and What You Can Do

The Coming 2019 Food Crisis… and What You Can Do

June 13, 2019 | Food Shortages Natural Disasters | 0 Comments

From weather systems and climate cycles to economic systems and civil unrest, the agricultural systems in the U.S. are heavily reliant on many variables and factors beyond our control.  2019 is turning out to be an important reminder of this. In June, news outlets exploded with evidence of a coming...

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Weather Spotting: Spot a Natural Disaster Before It Hits

Weather Spotting: Spot a Natural Disaster Before It Hits

May 30, 2019 | Natural Disasters Survival Skills | 0 Comments

Whether they be tsunamis, hurricanes, tornados, or fires, natural disasters and drastic weather scenarios can wreak havoc on towns and cities.  This is why knowing how to recognize storm patterns and understanding when danger is coming is essential--especially if you live in an area that is susceptible to destructive weather...

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Planned Power Outages: What You Need to Know

Planned Power Outages: What You Need to Know

May 02, 2019 | National Events Natural Disasters Power Outages | 0 Comments

We’ve written a lot about the devastating outcomes of the recent California wildfires and the choking smoke those events created across many states.  For example, there was a wildfire breakout in 2017 when trees hit PG&E power lines around the Napa area. It burned over 100,000 acres and 1,475 structures....

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Near-Earth Objects: What Every American Needs to Know

Near-Earth Objects: What Every American Needs to Know

April 27, 2019 | Natural Disasters | 0 Comments

With economic collapse, political tensions, natural disasters, and other newsworthy headlines inundating our daily lives, it’s easy to forget about things happening beyond our planet. While the likelihood of an extraterrestrial invasion is still up for debate (I’m joking), there’s no denying that life as we know it is always...

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The Risks on the Wasatch Front

The Risks on the Wasatch Front

April 18, 2019 | Natural Disasters | 0 Comments

When it comes to talking about areas at risk for earthquakes, we tend to discuss the usual suspect--California. This is for good reason--scientists report that there is a 99.7% chance that a magnitude 6.7 quake or larger will strike in the next 30 years in the Golden State.  But, unfortunately,...

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Lessons from Nebraska to Tennessee: Tips to Survive Flooding Fallout

Lessons from Nebraska to Tennessee: Tips to Survive Flooding Fallout

March 29, 2019 | Natural Disasters | 0 Comments

With springtime here, it’s time to celebrate the warmer temperatures, blooming flowers, and Easter holidays. However, good things also bring about their fair share of downsides. In this case--springtime means a higher risk of flooding. “April showers bring May flowers,” but it also brings risks of damage to your home,...

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Wildfires and Air Filtration: How to Safely and Effectively Filter Your Air Supply

Wildfires and Air Filtration: How to Safely and Effectively Filter Your Air Supply

February 27, 2019 | Natural Disasters | 0 Comments

Wildfires are a very real and dangerous problem--which was really brought to national attention thanks to several in California and the west in 2018. With what is now officially the most deadly wildfire season on record in the state, California experienced widespread fires everywhere from Mendocino to Ventura County. In...

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Learning from the Past: Haiti, Mexico City, and Alaska

Learning from the Past: Haiti, Mexico City, and Alaska

February 14, 2019 | History of Preparedness Natural Disasters Power Outages | 0 Comments

American journalist Charles Kuralt once said, “It takes an earthquake to remind us that we walk on the crust of an unfinished earth.”  The surface of our planet has 20 plates that are constantly moving--and inevitably, the resulting pressure from these shifting plates causes the crust to break. But when...

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