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Survival Scout Tips

10 Real Emergencies You Must Prepare For

10 Real Emergencies You Must Prepare For

January 14, 2022 | Natural Disasters Pandemics Water Preparedness Winter Readiness | 0 Comments

The older I get, the more I believe the saying, “Expect the unexpected.” The last few years have shocked Americans time and time again. Many of us have experienced things we could never have imagined, such as forced virtual schooling across the country. But it’s taught us that emergency preparedness...

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5th-Generation Security Threats to Keep on Your Radar

5th-Generation Security Threats to Keep on Your Radar

January 06, 2022 | History of Preparedness | 0 Comments

The United States of America has the best military in the world, but how will they protect American citizens from the newest types of security threats that don’t require physical combat? The term “fifth generation warfare” was first used in 2003, but since that time, it has been increasingly clear...

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Build a Year’s Supply of Emergency Food Piece by Piece

Build a Year’s Supply of Emergency Food Piece by Piece

December 29, 2021 | Emergency Meal Prep Food Preparedness Getting Started with Prep | 0 Comments

  At the start of a new year, many of us make resolutions… and let’s face it, most of us fail to keep them. We have the best of intentions, but life, time, or money get in the way. The same thing is true when it comes to building a...

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Why Christmas This Year Is More Meaningful

Why Christmas This Year Is More Meaningful

December 21, 2021 | History of Preparedness National Events | 0 Comments

Christmas has always been special, but after 2020, this year’s Christmas feels even more meaningful. It’s not because things have gotten better (in many ways, they haven’t). Christmas 2021 is more meaningful because we gained a new perspective in 2020. When the world shut down in 2020, everyone suffered. Schools...

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Our Readers’ Favorite Survival Scout Articles of 2021

Our Readers’ Favorite Survival Scout Articles of 2021

December 15, 2021 | History of Preparedness | 0 Comments

Many of us hoped that 2021 would be a better year than 2020. But 2021 proved to be just as weird – if not more. We continued to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, but with the addition of vaccines and vaccine mandates. We watched in horror multiple times as citizens...

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When the Government Takes Away Freedom of Movement

When the Government Takes Away Freedom of Movement

December 08, 2021 | History of Preparedness Pandemics | 0 Comments

Most of us didn’t really give much thought to our right to freedom of movement until coronavirus quarantines began. Boston University Law Review explains, “The right to travel is different from the right to free speech, to bear arms, and to equal protection under the law. These enumerated rights have...

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Water Contamination: New Data Paints a Stark Picture

Water Contamination: New Data Paints a Stark Picture

December 02, 2021 | Getting Started with Prep National Events Water Preparedness | 0 Comments

Think you have access to clean drinking water? Think again. The Safe Water Drinking Act was enacted in 1974 and updated in 1986 and 1996 to protect Americans from contaminated water. But despite all of that, the water coming out of our taps still has far more contaminants than is...

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Preparing for a Parallel Society

Preparing for a Parallel Society

November 24, 2021 | History of Preparedness National Events | 0 Comments

In 1953, Ray Bradbury penned the classic dystopian novel, Fahrenheit 451. In it, he depicts a futuristic society where firemen are responsible for burning books, as censorship is key. However, the novel ends with the main character, a former firefighter, choosing to go against society by aiming to preserve books...

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13 Cooking Hacks When You’re Missing Ingredients

13 Cooking Hacks When You’re Missing Ingredients

November 17, 2021 | Food Preparedness Survival Hacks | 0 Comments

We’ve all experienced some type of ingredient shortage – whether stores are closed because of a hurricane, the current supply chain issues have made it hard to find basic ingredients, or the grocery stores are out of stock. Take yeast, for example. When the pandemic first impacted the United States...

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Top 15 Gift Ideas for Those Who Love Prep

Top 15 Gift Ideas for Those Who Love Prep

November 11, 2021 | Food Preparedness Survival Tools and Gear Water Preparedness | 0 Comments

We’ve all received a gift we don’t want. We may have even been the person who gave an unwanted gift. In fact, that’s highly likely according to statistics. Some 61% of Americans surveyed admit to getting at least one unwanted gift over the holidays, totaling roughly 154 million American adults....

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10 Survival Skills from the US Military Everyone Needs to Know

10 Survival Skills from the US Military Everyone Needs to Know

November 05, 2021 | Power Outages Survival Skills Survival Tools and Gear | 0 Comments

On November 11, 1919, America recognized Armistice Day on the first anniversary of the ending of World War I. Armistice Day eventually became Veterans Day and an annual national holiday in 1938. While Memorial Day honors those men and women who have lost their lives serving our country, Veterans Day...

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Control the Food. Control the People.

Control the Food. Control the People.

October 27, 2021 | Food Preparedness Food Shortages Natural Disasters Winter Readiness | 0 Comments

Henry Kissinger famously said, “Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” History shows us this is true – especially when it comes to controlling food. Many people would like to believe that famines are...

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