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Survival Scout Tips

Should You Keep Your Garden on the Down-Low?

Should You Keep Your Garden on the Down-Low?

March 21, 2024 | Bug-Out Preparedness Community Preparedness Food Preparedness National Events Self-Reliance Survival Skills | 0 Comments

Urban and suburban veggie gardens are now bad for the environment.  We’re not making this up.  According to a University of Michigan internationally led study, “Fruits and vegetables grown in urban farms and gardens have a carbon footprint that is, on average, six times greater than conventionally grown produce.” The...

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Water Wars: The Next Global Conflict Over Diminishing Freshwater Resources

Water Wars: The Next Global Conflict Over Diminishing Freshwater Resources

March 07, 2024 | Community Preparedness National Events Self-Reliance Water Preparedness | 0 Comments

Water wars aren’t new. But they’re reaching all-time highs—and hitting closer to home.  There were 344 instances of water-related conflicts worldwide during 2022 and the first half of 2023. Final data isn’t yet available for 2023, but they expect it to surpass 2022—and 2022 was the highest ever.  While most...

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Ecocide: A Good Idea That Ends in Total Control

Ecocide: A Good Idea That Ends in Total Control

February 22, 2024 | Community Preparedness Food Preparedness National Events Self-Reliance | 0 Comments

People in Flint, Michigan, suffered—and some are still suffering—from water contamination in their municipal water supply. Yet no public officials have ever been held criminally responsible for the Flint water crisis. Shouldn’t causing devastation that hurts so much be considered a crime? Many will say “yes” and claim the crime...

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Beef Shortages Are Coming – Prepare Now

Beef Shortages Are Coming – Prepare Now

February 15, 2024 | Community Preparedness Food Preparedness Food Shortages Self-Reliance | 0 Comments

There’s a beef shortage coming. In February 2024, the USDA announced that the American beef industry hit a record low with beef cattle inventory dropping to 28.2 million this year—the lowest levels since the 1970s.  Agricultural economists blame it on an ongoing drought, along with high feed costs and inflation....

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Digital IDs: This Is How the Elites Take Everything from Us

Digital IDs: This Is How the Elites Take Everything from Us

February 08, 2024 | Community Preparedness National Events Self-Reliance Survival Hacks Survival Skills | 0 Comments

What exactly have we traded for convenience?  Well, we’re about to find out if digital IDs are implemented.  Digital IDs will usher in a dystopian future that poses the gravest threat to human rights we’ve ever seen.  With a digital ID, the government and those companies sourcing the data stored...

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10 Veggies That Produce the Highest Yield

10 Veggies That Produce the Highest Yield

February 01, 2024 | Community Preparedness Food Preparedness Food Shortages Self-Reliance Survival Skills | 0 Comments

When it comes to taking care of yourself and your loved ones, food is your top priority. Unfortunately, too many rely on grocery stores, meal delivery services, and the fragile supply chain for food. But when worse comes to worst, food will be harder and harder to find. The people...

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4 Scariest Choke Points in the US Supply Chain

4 Scariest Choke Points in the US Supply Chain

November 03, 2023 | Community Preparedness Food Preparedness Food Shortages | 0 Comments

Many Americans have become a little too comfortable with getting what they want when they want it.  If they need a food item, they head to the grocery store. If they order a product online, it’s on the doorstep in 2 days or less.  But that won’t be the case...

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Why Your Neighbors Could Be a Bigger Threat Than You Think

Why Your Neighbors Could Be a Bigger Threat Than You Think

September 07, 2023 | Community Preparedness Self-Reliance Survival Skills | 0 Comments

As much as we want to be friendly and love our neighbors, this may be more dangerous than we realize. We notice our neighbors’ habits – even if we are merely acquaintances. We notice who gets tons of deliveries and who has a garage filled with tools. And that’s a...

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Climate Lockdowns Are Coming to the US. Prepare Now.

Climate Lockdowns Are Coming to the US. Prepare Now.

August 24, 2023 | Community Preparedness National Events Self-Reliance | 0 Comments

We all remember March 2020, when we were placed under lockdown due to the government’s pandemic regulations. Unless you were deemed essential, you stayed home. Schools closed. Businesses shuttered. Entertainment venues went silent. In some places, you weren’t allowed out of your home except for certain times of day –...

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China's Shadow War: Double Agent Unveils Plot to Cripple US

China's Shadow War: Double Agent Unveils Plot to Cripple US

August 11, 2023 | Community Preparedness National Events | 0 Comments

When we think of war, we tend to think of missiles, flashes, bangs, and sirens. What we think of is more like World War II – and not World War III. An opinion piece recently ran in The Wall Street Journal by Richard Muller titled, “World War III Will Be...

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Protect Your Seeds. Lawmakers Are Coming for Them.

Protect Your Seeds. Lawmakers Are Coming for Them.

June 01, 2023 | Community Preparedness Food Preparedness Food Shortages National Events | 0 Comments

In 2020, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer essentially banned people from buying seeds. In her executive order, she ordered all stores larger than 50,000 square feet to cordon off garden centers and plant nurseries.  In her words, “If you're not buying food or medicine or other essential items, you should not...

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How to Build Your Barter Supply Line

How to Build Your Barter Supply Line

May 18, 2023 | Community Preparedness Food Preparedness Food Shortages Getting Started with Prep Self-Reliance Survival Skills Water Preparedness | 0 Comments

We are years removed from the disaster that was 2020, but supply chain issues remain.  While the pandemic wasn’t the first time supply chain issues came into the spotlight, it was a reminder of just how fragile our food supply and distribution channels really are.   It also won’t be the...

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