We’ve all felt the shock at the grocery store lately—empty egg shelves and sky-high prices for whatever is left.The egg shortage, fueled by a bird flu outbreak, has sent prices soaring and left ma...

The 2020 pandemic exposed just how fragile our food systems are. Panic-buying emptied shelves, supply chains collapsed, and food shortages left millions scrambling for basic necessities. By 2021, ...

You can have a fully stocked pantry for emergencies, but if you fail to provide ways to cook that food in emergencies, it won’t do you any good. Emergency food preparation requires more than just ...

“If SHTF, I’ll just come to your house!” I can’t tell you the number of times someone has said this to me—or how mad it makes me when I hear it. Unfortunately, we live in a time when people feel e...

Any time we become reliant on technology, we put ourselves in jeopardy. Just consider what happened recently when CrowdStrike’s faulty software update caused grounded flights, knocked media outlet...

The Roman Siege of Masada is one of those fascinating stories that continues to teach future generations. If ONLY we listen… Masada is a fortress in Israel, built over 2,000 years ago on top of a ...

Some people believe that any bit of prep is better than no prep. While it sounds great in theory, it isn’t necessarily true. The problem is that, if you haven’t lived through a catastrophic emerge...

Once upon a time, the cartoon The Jetsons, the movie The Terminator, and the computer game The Sims all were viewed as entertainment. But with the rise of smart cities, these forms of entertainmen...

Throughout history, governments have employed various tactics to pay down their debt by stealing from you and me. It’s called financial repression. And just like the name sounds, it’s a way to mai...

Imagine a world where the supply chain crumbles and the grid goes down. For most of us, it would be a catastrophe. But for the Amish, it’s just another day. They'll keep on eating like nothing hap...

Urban and suburban veggie gardens are now bad for the environment. We’re not making this up. According to a University of Michigan internationally led study, “Fruits and vegetables grown in urba...

Spring has sprung, and there’s no better time than now to evaluate your emergency food supply—and upgrade it. With what’s going on in our country and the rest of the world, it’s time to take stock...