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Ultimate Solar Power & Cooking Emergency Food Kit (9 items) Ultimate Solar Power & Cooking Emergency Food Kit (9 items)
Ultimate Solar Power & Cooking Emergency Food Kit (9 items) $593.64 $843.64
THIS time, when there’s a NEXT time, you’ll be prepared. Gather all these 9 items to be truly prepared. This kit includes a powerful water filter, solar device charger and room light, stove, fire starters, emergency meals, and so much more. Our Ultimate Solar Power & Cooking Emergency Food Kit is our most...
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VESTA Self-Powered Indoor Space Heater & Stove PLUS Canned Heat & Cooking Fuel by InstaFire (Eight 3-packs, total 24 cans) VESTA Self-Powered Indoor Space Heater & Stove PLUS Canned Heat & Cooking Fuel by InstaFire (Eight 3-packs, total 24 cans)
VESTA Self-Powered Indoor Space Heater & Stove PLUS Canned Heat & Cooking Fuel by InstaFire (Eight 3-packs, total 24 cans) $170.60 $230.60
When winter rolls around and the grid goes down... Heat is your lifeline.   Without a proper heat source, you're one power outage away from freezing—and starving. From InstaFire, the VESTA is an indoor space heater that’s ALSO a convenient stove for cooking your meals! Comes complete with EIGHT InstaFire 6-Hour Canned Heat Plus 3-Packs to...
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Alexapure Pro Ultimate Flow Water Filtration Kit Alexapure Pro Ultimate Flow Kit - My Patriot Supply
Alexapure Pro Ultimate Flow Water Filtration Kit $451.70 $701.70
The Fully Loaded Filtration System You've Been Waiting For The Alexapure Pro Water Filtration Ultimate Flow Kit includes every accessory you need to operate the unit, giving you the ultimate in convenience, performance, and longevity. When all 4 filter ports are in use, you can quadruple your flow rate and...
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Fire Evacuation Mask & Fire Blanket by Ready Hour Fire Evacuation Mask & Fire Blanket by Ready Hour
Fire Evacuation Mask & Fire Blanket by Ready Hour $44.90 $64.90
2 Essential Items: A Quick Way to Snuff Out Fire Dangers Extinguishers Alone WILL NOT Fully Protect You—Add Ready Hour Fire Blankets & Fire Evac Masks Today!  The Blanket Puts Out Kitchen Fires in Seconds – Nearly half of all home fires start in the kitchen. Ready Hour Fire Blankets are...
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Emergency Staples #10 Can Food Pack (1,036 servings, 6-pack) Emergency Staples #10 Can Food Pack (558 servings) - My Patriot Supply
Emergency Staples #10 Can Food Pack (1,036 servings, 6-pack) $124.70 $179.70
HAVE STAPLE FOOD ITEMS ON HAND Now you can have eggs, butter, white flour, sugar, milk and bread on hand any time you need it with our Ready Hour Emergency Staples Kit.  When there's an emergency, white flour, bread, eggs, sugar, milk and butter are the first items to disappear from...
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Ultimate Cooking, Lighting & Emergency Power Kit (7 items) Ultimate Cooking, Lighting & Emergency Power Kit (7 items)
Ultimate Cooking, Lighting & Emergency Power Kit (7 items) $236.65 $316.69
Being able to cook food QUICKLY and EASILY is critical in a crisis. In a crisis, you can't depend on electricity or modern appliances in your home. In fact, you may need to "bug out." Having a compact and portable cooking solution that tucks into your bug-out bag is essential for survival. ...
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EMBER Off-Grid Biomass Oven Ultimate Kit by InstaFire EMBER Off-Grid Biomass Oven Ultimate Kit by InstaFire
EMBER Off-Grid Biomass Oven Ultimate Kit by InstaFire $340.37 $440.37
Your Emergency Baking Command Center: Fully Stocked for Indoor & Outdoor Use - All You Need is BIOMASS!  Introducing our all-new Ultimate EMBER Off-Grid, Biomass-Powered Oven Kit—your trusted companion for secure food preparation in any emergency! The Ember is the perfect, portable solution to securing hot food in an emergency - all...
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Go-Bag with Ballistic Panel & 60 Bug-Out Essentials go-bag with ballistic panel by ready hour
Go-Bag with Ballistic Panel & 60 Bug-Out Essentials $170.92 $290.92
When an emergency strikes, you may not have time to pack and prepare. You need a BUG OUT BAG that includes a BALLISTIC PANEL for what lies ahead.  Time is of the essence in an emergency—Just GRAB and GO while protecting yourself! Evacuating from a storm, finding higher ground in...
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Bug-Out Bundle: MRE (12 meals) & Water (64 pouches) Cases Bug-Out Bundle: MRE (12 meals) & Water (64 pouches) Cases
Bug-Out Bundle: MRE (12 meals) & Water (64 pouches) Cases $144.90 $219.90
Compact Cuisine for Crisis Control Fuel up just like our military with MREs and emergency water pouches. This bundle doesn't skimp. It's compact and ready to roll out when you need it most. 12 MREs: Compact, Complete, Combat-Ready These MREs deliver delicious meals like Pasta Marinara and BBQ Chicken. Fitting this...
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The Inferno Pro stove next to the Chimney Grill grate, plus matches and Fire Starter pouches. All on a white background. The Chimney Grill grate attachment sitting on top of the Inferno Pro stove.
Inferno Pro & Chimney Grill Ultimate Cooking Kit by InstaFire $174.01 $244.01
Up Your Outdoor Cooking Game with the Inferno Pro!  Our NEW Inferno Pro & Chimney Grill Ultimate Cooking Kit gives you the essentials to start cooking up a storm whether you're camping out or bugging out. It's all from InstaFire. This kit includes:  (1) Inferno Pro Outdoor Biomass Stove by...
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Tactical Fire-Starting Kit by InstaFire tactical fire starting kit bag opened displaying all items on a white background
Tactical Fire-Starting Kit by InstaFire $35.95 $65.95
Relax! You've Got Fire Covered. Packed with Fire-Starting Tools for Countless Survival Scenarios. All in One Kit. -Need to start a campfire? This kit has a tool for that. -Need to keep a wood-burning stove going for hours? This kit has a tool for that. -Need to cook a meal when...
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4-Tray Seed Sprouter Set & Sprouting Seeds Starter Kit 4-Tray Seed Sprouter Set & Sprouting Seeds Starter Kit
4-Tray Seed Sprouter Set & Sprouting Seeds Starter Kit $39.94 $59.94
Everything You Need to Start Sprouting Seeds Today! The Sprouting Seeds Starting Kit comes with the 4 Tray Seed Sprouter and 5 full-size packages of sprouting seeds from Patriot Seeds. It includes all the supplies you need to grow your own countertop garden today! You can also add these items to your...