As we all prepare for the year ahead, we thought some inspiration was in order.

Meet Patriot Larry
When we plan ahead, we need to be reminded exactly why we lead a lifestyle of preparedness and self-reliance. For many of us, we do it to provide and protect for the ones we love.
In that spirit, we're going to do something special with our Survival Scout today.
We're going to tell the story
of one of our own:
Patriot Larry.
My Patriot Supply is a company filled with passionate people. As active participants in the preparedness and self-reliant lifestyle, we want to be the number one resource for everyone, no matter where they are in their preparedness journey.
Today, we wanted to introduce you to one of our most seasoned preparedness experts. We invited him to share his story, in his own words, in this week's Survival Scout. We hope you find his words and advice helpful and inspiring.
My Patriot Supply: How did you get started on your preparedness journey?
Patriot Larry: Well I spent my career in the Chino Fire Department, but I didn't really start prepping until after I retired as Captain. I guess you could say my work prepared me for my passion. I saw a lot of emergencies and life-and-death situations out there. I spent my life helping and rescuing other people, and never gave much thought to being in an emergency myself.
Then, shortly after I retired I was watching the news and thought "What would happen if things got so bad I couldn't get to the store?" That's really when things began for me. This was before the internet, so I read everything I could get my hands on. So, I started to make plans. I tried almost every food storage company that existed at the time. And I've been building off those plans ever since, for the past 23 years.
MPS: What would you tell someone brand new to preparedness?
PL: I'd say to know what your survival priorities are, so you can focus on them. Water is #1. #2 is food. Then a place to stay is #3. Many folks think about it the other way around. But, the reality is that a safe and secure shelter won't do you any good without plenty of food and water on hand.
For someone on the fence about preparedness, I often tell them to ask themselves, "When I look at my children, what kind of world are they going to be living in?" Then you have to think about how you're going to prepare them for the day you might not be there to help. It's tough to think about, but it helps you stay focused and motivated.
Another thing that I think people ought to know: the worst time to prepare is during a crisis. We want to continue to offer the best service to people in their preparedness journey, but it's near impossible when everyone is panicking. Prepare early, prepare often and you're guaranteed a whole lot less of a headache.
Finally, I tell people not to get overwhelmed. Focus on the short-term first. Be practical. But always keep the big picture in mind.
MPS: How did you become a preparedness advisor?
PL: After a number of years researching, my wife and I decided to settle in Northern Idaho for retirement. We found it both beautiful and perfect for prepping.
One day, my wife mentioned a job listing in the newspaper. It was for a preparedness advisor, and she said it seemed right up my alley. I told her that we had already settled - I didn't want to relocate. To my surprise, the post was in the same town. Birds of a feather really do flock together. That's how I joined the My Patriot Supply family. It's also how I found my second-calling in life.
MPS: Can you walk us through your day as a preparedness advisor?
PL: Sure. One thing about me - I've never met a stranger. I love talking to people, finding out what they need and need to know, and helping them every step of the way. The same goes for all of us here, it's how we provide the very best customer service. I take great pride in helping people find the same guidance that I needed when I first started out over two decades ago.
I talk to around 70 people every day. Everyone has their own concerns. I get all kinds of questions. And if I don't know how to answer a specific question, I make it my duty to find out and personally follow up. I always give folks my personal email, so they can reach out at any time. I do this because helping people is my first priority. Selling the right preparedness supplies people need is important, but helping people feel confident and secure is the best. Not only does it feel good, but it's the right thing to do.
MPS: Anything else you'd like our Survival Scout readers to know?
PL: I've kind of talked around it, but everyone should know this: My Patriot Supply is first and foremost a family company. We build products for keeping families safe. But the company itself feels like a family. We treat employees and customers alike just like family. We are one big, close-knit group with a strong set of shared values.
When you treat people like family, it follows that you do right by them. It is my hope that whenever you have questions, you turn to your MPS family first. We'll be here with open arms, ready to take on your goals.
MPS: Thank you, Patriot Larry
PL: My pleasure.
We hope you've found Larry's story to be insightful and helpful in your preparedness journey.
Have a great weekend and stay safe out there, friends!
In Liberty,
Patriot Tom
My Patriot Supply
P.S. Patriot Larry says Water is #1. We agree. That's why we started selling our new Alexapure Pitcher this week: